Alma Works Employees Donate $13,250 to Moisson d’Alma
Alma Works employees were able to raise $6,625 for Moisson d’Alma during the holiday fundraising drive using GoFundMe, a crowdfunding platform. Patrice Bergeron, Operations Director, doubled that amount, bringing the total to $13,250.
Feeding oneself and one’s family is essential,” Bergeron said. “The number of people turning to Moisson d’Alma for help is not decreasing and as a corporate citizen, we have our role to play in our community. This cause is very close to our employees’ hearts, and, every year, we end up breaking our record. For next year, the bar is set at $15,000.”
An additional $2,000 was added to the total through refundable cans collected during the year in Alma Works’ various areas. This initiative was led by Serge Desbiens, one of Support Services’ employees, who for many years now has been actively involved with the organisation and the various collection activities at the facility.