Initiatives of Goodwill for Christmas

As the Christmas lights twinkle and the festive mood sets in, Rio Tinto and its employees are connecting with the community so that everyone can enjoy the season. Sharing and caring initiatives are organised every year to support various organisations and help people in need, and this year is no exception.
Regional initiatives
Surprises and discoveries for the holidays
Rio Tinto employees were not able to get together this year to celebrate, as the pandemic continues to affect gatherings and the holiday season in general.
So, every employee received $100 to spend at Coffrets du Royaume. This token of appreciation for employees also promoted a homegrown business whose products are 100% local. In total, $400,000 was distributed to employees so that they could treat themselves to a customisable basket of goodies. This gift will surely be a hit!
The gift of safety
This initiative runs from 1 December 2021 to 31 January 2022 and encourages employee safety while giving back to the community: all significant safety steps taken by employees as part of the Stop and Seek Help recognition programme will be doubly rewarded.
At the end of the programme, a $5 donation will be made to an organisation of the employee’s choice, and another $5 will go to Moisson Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean, a food aid organisation. Last year, the tokens collected raised an amazing $13,605. This is a great way for employees to double their impact in the community.
Operation Red Nose Saguenay
Rio Tinto is committed to the safety of the community and its employees, and each year supports Operation Red Nose Saguenay through donations. This year, $2,000 was donated through the Rio Tinto Aluminium Canada Fund.
Sharing our Christmas
For more than 35 years, the Security team has been involved in this initiative which makes it possible for over 200 families in the Arvida area to receive food aid. In collaboration with Société Saint-Vincent de Paul, gift certificates are distributed to families in need so that they can fill their grocery baskets at Christmas time. Gary Hrynowiecki and Jonathan Dumoulin, two Rio Tinto security officers from Complexe Jonquière, lead this project by collecting donations and cans that are converted into gift certificates. This humane and environmentally conscious initiative raised $13,000 this year, through the collection of 100,000 cans and a contribution of $8,000 from the Rio Tinto Aluminium Canada Fund.
Gary and Jonathan said, “It’s important for us to participate in this project. We are privileged to have good jobs and to be able to feed our families. We realise that not everyone is so lucky. Rising food prices are making it more difficult than ever for families to put bread on the table, and so it’s important to get involved in this initiative.”
Sale of scrap and donations to United Way and the Red Cross
Three AP60 staff employees sold 25,000 pieces of scrap wood for a worthy cause. In addition to promoting the “recycle, reuse, and recover” environmental values, the three employees have done a useful job by converting this scrap wood into donations to United Way and the Red Cross.
The 25,000 pieces of scrap wood collected over two years were sold to Lac-St-Jean Métal and the proceeds were donated to United Way and the Red Cross. To keep this initiative going, the three men are now developing a system for the wood scraps to be collected throughout the year and the revenues to be paid to the organisations. This project keeps moving forward on the path of mutual aid and sharing.

David Boivin and Nicolas Gagnon, with Steve Gagnon from Lac-St-Jean Métal.
Power Operations
Multiplying groceries
The employees of Power Operations, Lac−Saint-Jean area, collected more than $4,000 in groceries for Moisson d’Alma. The Syndicat des travailleurs d’Énergie Électrique Nord (STEEN) donated $1000. The total amount was doubled by Power Operations management, resulting in a donation to Moisson d’Alma equivalent to $10,000. On 19 December, the STEEN and members of management attended the 10th Jogging du Père Noël event in Alma to donate the funds. Congratulations!
Every can counts
Every year, Pierre Marchand, an employee of Chute-à-la-Savane power station, collects empty aluminium cans for Soli-Can, an organisation that provides services to people with cancer. Pierre’s generosity resulted in a donation of $510.60 for Christmas this year. We wish to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to Pierre for his resolve and commitment to this project. This seemingly small act has a big impact on the community.
In addition to these two initiatives, the Syndicat National des Employés de l’Aluminium d’Arvida collected funds through GoFundMe with the employees of the Saguenay area’s Power Operations and AP60. The final amount will be distributed to various organisations in the region.

Pierre Marchand, an employee of Chute-à-la-Savane power station, donated $510.60 to Soli-Can this year.
Fundraising campaign for a multi-site team
For the second year in a row, a group of employees that includes Michel Dubé, Richard Boudreault (Laterrière Works), Hugues Paradis (Arvida casthouse), Nancy Bilodeau (Arvida Research and Development Centre), and Pascal Gauthier (AP60) organised a fundraising campaign to help the Maison d’Accueil pour sans-abri de Chicoutimi, an organisation that supports people experiencing homelessness. The employees realised how lucky they are to have a roof over their heads and food on the table and wanted to raise their colleagues’ awareness of the tremendous daily challenge faced by some families who are unable to meet their basic needs. Last year, $25,000 was raised and donated to five different organisations. This initiative is one of hope and kindness.
Caring is a Rio Tinto value that is part of the DNA of our employees, who give back to the community every year.
Thank you all for participating, and Merry Christmas!