Workspaces Optimised During 2022 Spring Cleaning

Once a year, the employees of the Vaudreuil Works, Port Facilities, Railway Services, and Distribution Jonquière group participate in spring cleaning. The goal is to sort and recycle materials and improve and optimise the workspaces. Indoor spaces were the focus of this year’s exercise.

Port Facilities, Railway Services, West Hydrate, Vaudreuil Energy Centre, Distribution Jonquière, the Calcination Centre, the Analysis Centre, and the Fluoride Plant all contributed to the success of this spring cleaning. Employees went above and beyond in their efforts and took many initiatives.

Hydrates Ouest


Some of the improvements made by the teams include:

· Setting up a 5S container at the Port Facilities

· Organising the team room at Roberval-Saguenay in Alma

· Setting up a new patio at West Hydrate

· Sorting and cleaning at the Vaudreuil Energy Centre

· Installing a new iron rack and setting up a patio at Distribution Jonquière

Distribution Jonquière

Friendly competition between areas

The teams have a few weeks to plan and carry out this cleaning. Once the allotted time is up, the management committee carefully reviews all the work that has been done and selects the winning teams.

The areas that stood out this year are:

· The Distribution Jonquière team, winner in the efforts made category

· The West Hydrate area, winner in the overall result category

· The Fluoride Plant, winner in the maintenance and improvement category

· The Port Facilities team, winner of the Director’s Choice award

Martin Lavoie, Operations Director for Vaudreuil Works, Port Facilities and Railway Services and Distribution Jonquière, said, “By tidying up their

workplaces, everyone has done something to improve the safety of the facilities, in addition to improving the quality of life and wellbeing at work. Every year I see how creative the teams in the various areas are and how much effort they put into making the workspaces even more functional. Congratulations to all of you for participating in this challenge!”

Usine de fluorure

Installations portuaires